Safeguarding EU-India Relations in the Face of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

Safeguarding EU-India Relations in the Face of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference On 18 December 2023, the Delegation of the EU to India and Bhutan hosted a closed-door event in Brussels on the pressing topic of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) based on a research project under the EU-India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative of 2022–2023. Experts from both the ...

Individual Research Papers on EU-India Relations | Call for applications

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

Individual Research Papers on EU-India Relations | Call for applications The Call for Individual Research Papers on EU-India Relations aims to promote research and greater awareness on EU-India relations. The completed research papers are expected to spark wider public and private debates in the EU-India knowledge ecosystem, fosterig a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie within this partnership. This ...

2nd Virtual Exchange | 2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

2nd Virtual Exchange | 2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange On Wednesday, 18 October 2023, the 2nd Virtual Exchange of the 2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange was held with the support of the European Union in the context of the EU Policy and Outreach Partnership (EUPOP) in India. At the opening of the event, Dr. Giulia Tercovich, EUPOP Project Outreach Coordinator, delivered ...

1st Virtual Exchange | 2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

1st Virtual Exchange | 2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange On Wednesday, June 7th, 2023, the 1st Virtual Exchange of the 2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange took place with the support of the European Union in the context of the EU Policy and Outreach Partnership (EUPOP) in India. The event was opened by Dr. Giulia Tercovich, EUPOP Project Coordinator for Research Outreach, ...

2nd Expert Session on EU-India Relations ‘Exploring EU-India Cooperation in Digital Governance’

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

2nd Expert Session on EU-India Relations ‘Exploring EU-India Cooperation in Digital Governance’ On Tuesday, June 2nd, 2023, the 2nd Expert Session on EU-India Relations ‘Exploring EU-India Cooperation in Digital Governance took place took place with the support of the European Union in the context of the EU Policy and Outreach Partnership (EUPOP) in India. The event was opened by Dr. Giulia ...

2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange | Call for applications

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

2023 EU-India Young Leaders Exchange | Call for applications Are you passionate about EU-India relations? Do you care about the representation of young European and Indian voices? Do you have innovative ideas that you would like to share with other young leaders from Europe and India? Are you interested in being part of exchanges with other young people to make ...

Kick-off Experts’ Roundtable: Perspectives on EU-India Cooperation in Times of Great Power Competition

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2023, Events

Kick-off Experts’ Roundtable: Perspectives on EU-India Cooperation in Times of Great Power Competition On Monday, 27th March 2023, in a hybrid format with experts from both Europe and India joining in-person in New Delhi (EU Delegation to India) and Brussels (Press Club Brussels Europe) as well as online, the Centre for Security Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS-VUB), the Polish Institute for ...


Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2022, Events

THE EU AND INDIA | CALL FOR JOINT RESEARCH COLLABORATION Call for Joint Research Collaboration between Consortiums of think tanks, universities, political foundations and research institutes from India and the EU. India and the European Union (EU), as long-standing partners are committed to dynamic dialogue in all areas of mutual interest as major actors in their own regions and as ...

EU-India think tanks present insights on effective bilateral cooperation for a post-COVID world

Think Tanks Twinning Initiative author 2020, Events, Press release

EU-India think tanks present insights on effective bilateral cooperation for a post-Covid world NEW DELHI, 11 November 2020. The Delegation of the European Union to India held a virtual symposium on “EU and India: Forces of Stability in an Unstable World”. This virtual event took place in the backdrop of the EU-India Think Tanks Twinning Initiative (TTTI), which has been promoting …