EU-India: Starting a More Adventurous Conversation

Twelve years after they launched their strategic partnership, the EU and India appear ready to take their relationship into new and potentially more adventurous, exciting and mutually bene cial directions. The summit in March 2016 marked the beginning of a more mature and politically relevant dialogue between the EU and India. Implementation of the di erent priorities set out at the March summit, however, will require time, energy and e ort to keep up the momentum. High-level summits should be held regularly – instead of at four-year intervals – so that leaders can maintain contacts and build better relations. New areas of cooperation, including in the security sector, must be strengthened and quickly lead to real action. Given their di erent histories, identities and priorities, the EU and India will continue to disagree on many issues. Such di erences, however, must not become an obstacle to better relations.