EU-India partnership
Think tanks and key opinionmakers, shaping together a long-standing relationship
The EU and India share a commitment to protect and promote human rights, a rule-based global order, effective multilateralism, sustainable development and open trade.
This 2022 marks the 60th anniversary of the European Union and Indian diplomatic relations. To face world challenges in an increasingly complex international scenario, the EU seeks to further strengthen relations with its strategic partners.
The EU and India are not only long-standing partners, but also both are committed to dynamic dialogue in all areas of mutual interest as major actors in their own regions and as global players on the world stage.
The legal framework for EU-India relations is provided for by the 1994 EU-India Cooperation Agreement. From 2000, regular EU-India summits aiming at advancing political, economic and sectorial cooperation were held, leading to the formation of the EU - India Strategic Partnership in 2004.
During the Fifteenth India-EU Summit held in July 2020, the leaders from both regions endorsed the "India-EU Strategic Partnership: A Roadmap to 2025”, a key document that lays down a common roadmap to guide joint action and further strengthen the India-EU Strategic Partnership over the next five years.
Since then both Parties inter-alia adopted a Joint Statement and four Joint Declarations on counter-terrorism, clean energy and climate change, resource efficiency and circular economy, connectivity and on smart and sustainable urbanisation.
A critical aspect for strengthening this longstanding partnership and advance the strategic issues is for the think tanks, institutions and key opinion makers from India and the EU to work collaboratively. is the place to make it happen!